OJEE MCA 2023 Syllabus:
Following is the test syllabus for OJEE MCA exam:
MATHEMATICS (60 Questions)
Logic: Statement, Negation, Implication, Converse, Contra posititve, Conjuction, Disjunction, Truth Table. Different methods of proof, Principle of Mathematical induction.
Algebra of sets : Set operation, Union, Intersection, Difference, Symmetric difference, Complement, Venn diagram, Cartesian product of sets, Relation and functions, Equivalence relation, Kinds of functions and their domain and range, Composite function, Inverse of a function.
Number system : Real numbers (algebraic and order properties, ratio nal and irrational numbers),Absolute value, Triangle inequality, AM= GM, Inequalities(simple cases), Complex numbers, Algebra of complex numbers, Conjugate and square root of a complex number, Cube roots of unity, De Moivre’s theorem with simple application. Permutations and Combinations - simple applications, Binomial theorem for positive integral index, Identities involving binomial co-efficients.
Determinants and matrices : Determinants of third order, Minors and cofactors, Properties of determinants, Matrices upto third order, Types of matrices, algebra of matrix, adjoint and inverse of matrix, Application of determinants and matrices to the solution of linear equations (in three unknowns).
Trigonometry : Compound angles, Multiple and Submultiple angles, Solution of trigonometricequations, Properties of triangles, Inverse circular function, Sum and product of sine and cosine functions.
Co-ordinate geometry of two dimensions: Straight lines, Pairs of straight lines, Circles, Equations of tangents and normals to a circle, Equations of parabola, Ellipse and hyperbola in simple forms, their tangents and normals. Condition of tangency. Rectangular and Conjugate hyperbolas.
Coordinate geometry of three dimensions : Distance and Division formulae, Direction cosines and direction ratios, Projection, Angle between two planes, Angle between a line and a plane. Distance of a point from a line and a plane. Equati on of a sphere – general equation, Equation of sphere when end points of diameter are given.
Vectors : Fundamentals, Dot and cross product of two vectors, Scalar triple product and vector triple product, Simple application of different products.
Differential calculus: Concept of limit, Continuity of functions, Derivati ve of standard Algebraic and Transcendental functions, Derivative of composite functions, functions in parametric form, Implicit differentiation, Successive differentiation (simple cases), Leibnitz theorem, Partial differentiation, Application of Euler’s theorem, Derivative as a rate measure, Increasing and decreasing functions, Maxima and Minima, Indeterminate forms, Geometrical application of derivatives such as finding tangents and normals to plane curves.
Integral calculus: Standard methods of integration (substitution, by p arts, by partial fraction, etc), Integration of rational, irrational functions and trigonometric functions. Definite integrals and properties of definite integrals, Areas under plane curves.
Differential equations: Definition, order, degree of a differential equation, Formation of a differential equation.
Probability and statistics: Average (mean, median and mode). Dispersion (standa rd deviation and variance), Definition of probability, Mutually exclusive events, Independent events, Compound events, Conditional probability, Addition theorem.
Number system : Decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal numbers and their conversion.
Introduction to Computer: Brief history of Computers, Components of a Computer, Computer related general knowledge, Application of Computers, Classification of Computers, Windows.
Computer Arithmetic: Number System with general base, Number base conver sion, Elementary arithmetic operation.
C Language: Keywords, Constants, Variables, Identifiers, operators, statements. Writing simple C program.
Arithmetic and logical expression, simple if, neste d if, if-else-ladder, conditional operators, switch case, for, while and do while loops.
Concept of functions in C.